Abelardo History

Abelardo history

Abelardo history

Abelardo is one of the brands prepared in 2021 in the field of beauty and health, and is a subsidiary of Faraz Toloo Strategy, which, with the belief in achieving superior technology in the field of new technologies, laid the foundation for guiding beauty based on natural science. 

 Also in Abelardo, the science of beauty and the power of nature is achieved through research and experiments in the service of beauty, and by guiding beauty based on quality and safety, the research team and committed, responsible and compassionate managers become famous and enduring 

life at Abelardo

Our team is our heroes. They are based on the way we work at Abelardo. Our leaders guide team performance and interpersonal interaction for experimentation, learning, innovation, and research. We believe in each and every member of our team and encourage everyone to strive for the best technologies in the field of new technology.

That’s why the slogan of exclusion is to rise and move towards beauty, and it plays an important role in our organizational behavior and the lives of Abelardo employees.
