Our Ethical Principles &Values

Ethical principles and values

Values ​​and way of thinking

Science along with ethics along with passion, creativity and innovation, open mind, responsibility and striving for excellence along with entrepreneurial spirit are among the values ​​and thoughts developed and policies announced by the board for management and … Alardo’s work  Be 

 Abelardo has emerged with the goal of achieving science based on the beauty and power of nature, and also Ablerdo’s goal is to research and innovate quality along with safety and create products that the best deserve to guide beauty based on science based on nature. Why?  With this belief, which makes Abelardo famous and special, we achieve all these goals together with a defined strategy and a set of ethical principles and policies formulated by the board and senior managers in the Abelardo collection. 

Our moral principles

We believe that how a company does business is as important as its financial performance and the quality of its products and services.  In a changing world, the moral principles of honesty, respect, courage, and transparency act as our compass for our daily moral behavior.  Our moral principles are not just good words to be set aside in difficult times.  These principles shape our culture, strengthen our reputation, and allow all Abelardo employees to build trust through our actions every day. 


 Because acting honestly is critical to building and maintaining trust and good relationships. 


 Because what we do affects the lives of many people. 


 Because ethical questions are rarely easy but need to be addressed. 


 Because we must always be honest and be able to describe our actions and decisions correctly 

 The spirit of Abelardo is the source of our commitment to the ethical principles of responsibility and comprehensive efforts to achieve the goals and ideals set as a well-known brand in the field of beauty and health services to our dear citizens. 

 Our policy also allows our stakeholders, including our employees, to report any serious breaches of our ethics directly to the relevant senior manager through the site. 


 One of the sub-units of research is the social collection and data analysis unit in all designated cases, which are the most important tasks of this group: 

 1- Ensuring the promotion of the use of the most important methods in the guidance group in all decisions 

 2- Supervising staff training 

 3- Supervising the handling of concerns and direct management of cases related to growth management positions 

 4- Measuring and evaluating the ethical performance of the company 

 5- Analyzing all collected data 

 6- Collecting information related to human rights and the environment and analyzing them and submitting the necessary reports 

 7- Collecting customer satisfaction in a community of random targets 

 8- Communicating with customers in all geographical locations 

 9- Providing regular reports of customer feedback to the Holding Research Group to correct cases ??? 

 10- Supervising the proper implementation of all announced policies by the board 
