Preserving natural resources

preserving natural resources

preserving natural resources

اSince environmental protection is defined as one of the ethical principles and policies of Abelardo, all Abelardo groups and collections are obliged to respect the principles of environmental protection in all areas of research and implementation, such as climate change. Take sustainable water management, respect for biodiversity, conservation of natural resources, non-animal testing and the use of biodegradable materials seriously. We also manage our natural resource consumption to ensure that these principles are followed And our activities are compatible with a planet with limited resources. We promote the use of renewable raw materials that are sustainable or derived from green chemistry.

We are also working on solutions that allow for more recycling and promote the development of a circular economy, in addition to providing specific annual funding sources to invest in and maintain good green space. Abelardo is assigned.


Abelardo also deals with nature conservation with two basic strategies:

  1. Do not add new pollution to the environment
  2. Take action to remove previous contaminants